AUGUST Online: Mimi Robson: Smple studies made with humble tools


Early last year (2020), I spent some time in Tokyo and Kyoto, Japan, studying Zazen and traditional zen paintings. Although the trip was bought to an abrupt end due to the pandemic, the time there was intensely rich and inspiring, and the principles of meditation and Shodo which I practised returned with me, and have imbued this collection of work. 


On returning home to Bude on the north coast of Cornwall, the state of confinement and confusion became an atmosphere for me to explore and implement new approaches to my work. Like all limitation, it led to growth and discovery. Without access to the printmaking studio, I was restricted to the paper, ink and brushes I had been travelling Japan with, and an hour of hiking the coastal path between Morwenstow and Bude became my liberation as well as inspiration. 


As with the traditional Japanese calligraphy I studied, each of these drawings were approached with an acute focus and the concentrated gestures became a meditation They focus on the quality of the brushed line, and the line reflects the state of my mind. Each inconsistency is a moment of distraction, every mark a reflection of my mood - agitated, peaceful, longing, content.


For me this collection is of simple studies, with humble tools, exploring the great complexity of the earths forces and human nature. 

Born in Somerset in 1991, Mimi graduated from Falmouth University in 2013 with a BA Cons in Fine Art. Since then she has worked along renewed Printmaker John Howard. Specialising in both etching and mono printing, Mimi creates collections of work that are a balance discipline and spontaneity. Her work, visually and through her practice, becomes a metaphor for the flux within the ocean and our own nature. 

  • Mimi Robson Wind over Greenaway Beach, Morwenstow Ink on antique Japanese paper 17.5 x 20.6 cm paper size 30 x 33 cm framed size
    Mimi Robson
    Wind over Greenaway Beach, Morwenstow
    Ink on antique Japanese paper
    17.5 x 20.6 cm paper size
    30 x 33 cm framed size
    Mimi Robson, Wind over Greenaway Beach, Morwenstow
  • Mimi Robson, Wind over Reed Rocks, Morwenstow
    Mimi Robson, Wind over Reed Rocks, Morwenstow
  • Mimi Robson Wind around Sharpnose Point, Morwenstow Ink on antique Japanese paper 17.5 x 20.6 cm paper size 30 x 33 cm framed size
    Mimi Robson
    Wind around Sharpnose Point, Morwenstow
    Ink on antique Japanese paper
    17.5 x 20.6 cm paper size
    30 x 33 cm framed size
    Mimi Robson, Wind around Sharpnose Point, Morwenstow